UD Image and perception

Culture jamming project


Culture jamming and anti-advertising


Culture jamming is defined by Wikipedia as the act of transforming mass media to produce commentary about itself, using the original medium's communication method: "It is a form of public activism which is generally in opposition to commercialism, and the vectors of corporate image. The aim of culture jamming is to create a contrast between corporate or mass media images and the realities or perceived negative side of the corporation or media." 
Advertising is a favourite target of culture jammers. The most famous group making satire out of advertising, also called anti-advertising orsubvertising, is Adbusters.
This kind of culture jamming is based on the idea that advertising is little more than propaganda for established interests, and that there is a lack of an available means for alternative expression in industrialized nations. Proponents see culture jamming as a resistance movement to the hegemony of popular culture, based on the ideas of "guerrilla communication", a term closely related to guerrilla marketing.

A spoof on the Libresse brand, this "Carelesse" anti-ad criticises the environmental effect of using disposable diapers and sanitary napkins. This work by Turku Arts Academy students Matti Vahtera and Juuso Janhunen was shortlisted in the Finnish anti-advertising competition Mainoskupla 2007. Used with permission.